All Things P99

The event for developers who care about P99 percentiles and high-performance, low-latency applications

Performance Pitfalls of Rust Async Function Pointers (And Why It Might Not Matter)

An in-depth analysis of asynchronous function pointers in Rust, why they aren’t a real thing (compared to normal function pointers) and a performance analysis of each way of constructing them. From Boxed Async functions, to Enum dispatch to StackFutures.

18 minutes
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Fill out the form to watch this session from the P99 CONF 2024 livestream. You’ll also get access to all available recordings.

Byron Wasti, Founder & CEO

Professional developer turned founder to work full-time on Open Source technology. Developing tooling for load testing and performance analysis, inspired by work in industry and a deep passion for distributed systems, reliability, and 6 years of professional Rust experience.