All Things P99

The event for developers who care about P99 percentiles and high-performance, low-latency applications

How a Database Looks from a Disk’s Perspective

ScyllaDB’s CTO Avi Kivity dives into how high performance distributed systems such as modern databases can make best, most efficient use of fast NVMe storage.

26 minutes
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Avi Kivity

Avi Kivity, CTO and Co-Founder of ScyllaDB

Avi Kivity, CTO of ScyllaDB, is known mostly for starting the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) project, the hypervisor underlying many production clouds. He has worked for Qumranet and Red Hat as KVM maintainer until December 2012. Avi is now CTO of ScyllaDB, a company that seeks to bring the same kind of innovation to the public cloud space.