Virtual Event | OCTOBER 23 + 24, 2024

All Things Performance

P99 CONF is for developers who care about P99 percentiles and high-performance, low-latency applications.

Featured Speakers

Explore Rust, C++, Go, event streaming architectures, distributed databases, Linux kernel, observability, K8s & more

Follow us on Twitter @p99conf for announcements!

Rust + io_uring + ktls: How Fast Can We Make HTTP?

Amos Wenger

Writer & Video Maker aka @fasterthanlime

Amos Wenger

Writer & Video Maker aka @fasterthanlime
Talk: Rust + io_uring + ktls: How Fast Can We Make HTTP?

Working on Fluke: async Rust HTTP1+2 with io_uring & kTLS, sponsored by & Shopify. Unlike others, Fluke is built from the ground up to fully leverage io_uring, minimizing syscalls with kTLS. A promising future for proxies & apps if a stable API emerges. #Rust #io_uring #kTLS

About Amos Wenger

I write (and shoot) deep dives about Rust, performance, operating system stuff, videography, and whatever else I feel my wonderful patrons & sponsors will like learning about. I'm extremely lucky to do this full time for now.

Noisy Neighbor Detection with eBPF

Jose Fernandez

Senior Software Engineer at Netflix

Jose Fernandez

Senior Software Engineer at Netflix
Talk: Noisy Neighbor Detection with eBPF

Tackling “noisy neighbor” issues in multi-tenant setups! At Netflix, we use eBPF to monitor and mitigate excessive CPU usage in real-time. Learn how we instrument the Linux scheduler, optimize eBPF, and maintain high performance. Get actionable insights for your infrastructure. #DevOps #eBPF

About Jose Fernandez

Software engineer specializing in observability, performance, and reliability. Passionate about low-level languages, focusing on Rust and eBPF technology. Creator of bpftop.

Carl Lerche, AWS | P99 CONF Event 2024 Speaker

Rust: A Productive Language for Writing Database Applications

Carl Lerche

Principal Engineer at AWS

Carl Lerche

Principal Engineer at AWS
Talk: Rust: A Productive Language for Writing Database Applications

Think Rust is just about performance and safety? Let’s talk productivity. Last year, Rust’s library ecosystem needed work. What’s changed? I’ll dive into the current state of Rust libraries for database access, focusing on ergonomics and ease of use. #RustLang #DatabaseDev

About Carl Lerche

Carl Lerche is a Principal Engineer at AWS. He is best known for his open source Rust libraries, primarily Tokio, the asynchronous I/O runtime for Rust.

Reliable Data Replication

Cameron Morgan

Staff Infrastructure Engineer at Shopify

Cameron Morgan

Staff Infrastructure Engineer at Shopify
Talk: Reliable Data Replication

Data replication ensures high availability—reliable, consistent, and timely access. Dive into the tough problems often skipped: reliable backfills, schema changes, data validation, failure resistance, and parallel writes. Learn how Shopify achieves ~5M rows/sec with <500ms p99 lag. #DataReplication #TechTalk

About Cameron Morgan

Cameron works on databases at Shopify where he works on distributed systems and MySQL. Originally from Vancouver BC, he moved to Montreal QC to compete a BEng. Electrical Engineering at McGill University. In his free time, he tries to ski as much powder as possible.

Elevating PostgreSQL: Benchmarking Vector Search Performance

Daniel Seybold

Co-Founder at benchANT

Daniel Seybold

Co-Founder at benchANT
Talk: Elevating PostgreSQL: Benchmarking Vector Search Performance

PostgreSQL continues to evolve with vector search extensions like pgvector and We’ll explore recent benchmarks comparing vector search performance across various datasets and configurations, highlighting PostgreSQL’s adaptability in modern use cases. #PostgreSQL #VectorSearch

About Daniel Seybold

Daniel started his career as PhD student in the area of cloud computing with a focus on distributed databases in the cloud. Further interests cover cloud orchestration, model-driven engineering, and performance evaluations of distributed systems. After completing his PhD, Daniel has co-founded the Benchmarking-as-a-Service platform benchANT where he is responsible for the product development.

Distributed Async Await: A New Programming Model for the Cloud

Dominik Tornow

Founder & CEO at Resonate HQ

Dominik Tornow

Founder & CEO at Resonate HQ
Talk: Distributed Async Await: A New Programming Model for the Cloud

Dive into the future of cloud dev with Distributed Async Await. Simplify your code and conquer the chaos of distributed systems. Learn the ins and outs of async-await, functions, promises, and more. Transform your approach to scalable, reliable, and delightful cloud apps. 🚀 #CloudDev #AsyncAwait

About Dominik Tornow

Dominik Tornow is the Founder & CEO at Resonate HQ.

Ashley Williams, Axodotdev | P99 CONF Event 2024 Speaker

Ashley Williams

Founder & CEO of Axodotdev

Ashley Williams

Founder & CEO of Axodotdev
About Ashley Williams

Ashley Williams is a former member of the Rust Core team. She is the founder of the Rust Foundation and served as its first executive director. she has served as a leader or member of the Rust, infrastructure, and community teams, WebAssembly working group, and the RustBridge and Increasing Rust's Reach programs. Ashley has been the original author and lead maintainer of many popular developer tools in the Rust ecosystem, from Cloudflare's wrangler, to wasm-pack, cargo-generate, and several others. previously, ashley was a leader of the Node.js Community Committee, founded the NodeTogether educational initiative, and served as the first Individual Membership Director of the Node.js Foundation (now OpenJS Foundation). Ashley has worked at npm, Mozilla, and Cloudflare. ashley studied Neuroscience and Philosophy and was originally a middle school science teacher in NYC.

Avit Kivity, ScyllaDB | P99 CONF Event 2024 Speaker

Designing a Query Queue for ScyllaDB

Avi Kivity

CTO and Co-Founder of ScyllaDB
Avi Kivity

Avi Kivity

CTO and Co-Founder of ScyllaDB
Talk: Designing a Query Queue for ScyllaDB

Database queries vary widely—from milliseconds to hours. Optimizing concurrency is a delicate balance of CPU, memory, and stability. Bad design can lead to high latency or crashes. Join us to learn how we designed ScyllaDB’s query queue to handle these challenges. #Database #ScyllaDB

About Avi Kivity

Avi Kivity, CTO of ScyllaDB, is known mostly for starting the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) project, the hypervisor underlying many production clouds. He has worked for Qumranet and Red Hat as KVM maintainer until December 2012. Avi is now CTO of ScyllaDB, a company that seeks to bring the same kind of innovation to the public cloud space.

1BRC – Nerd Sniping the Java Community

Gunnar Morling

Principal Software Engineer at Decodable
Gunnar Morling

Gunnar Morling

Principal Software Engineer at Decodable
Talk: 1BRC – Nerd Sniping the Java Community

Gunnar Morling dives into the tricks that the fastest 1BRC solutions used to process the challenge’s 13 GB input file within less than 2 secs — including parallelization and efficient memory access, optimized parsing routines using SIMD and SWAR, and custom map implementations.

About Gunnar Morling

Gunnar Morling is a software engineer and open-source enthusiast by heart. He is leading the Debezium project, a platform for change data capture (CDC). He is a Java Champion, the spec lead for Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380) and has founded multiple open source projects such as Deptective and MapStruct. Prior to joining Red Hat, Gunnar worked on a wide range of Java EE projects in the logistics and retail industries. He's based in Hamburg, Germany.

You’re Doing It All Wrong

Michael Stonebraker

CTO & Co-founder of DBOS

Michael Stonebraker

CTO & Co-founder of DBOS
Talk: You’re Doing It All Wrong

Historically, business apps use a three-tier architecture. Now, cloud-native architectures and DBMS can be combined, allowing for resilient, cost-effective, and high-performance systems. Learn about DBOS and why “you are doing it all wrong.” #TechTalk

About Michael Stonebraker

Dr. Stonebraker has been a pioneer of database research and technology for more than forty years. He was the main architect of the INGRES relational DBMS, and the object- relational DBMS, POSTGRES. These prototypes were developed at the University of California at Berkeley where Stonebraker was a Professor of Computer Science for twenty five years. More recently at M.I.T. he was a co-architect of the Aurora/Borealis stream processing engine, the C-Store column-oriented DBMS, the H-Store transaction processing engine, the SciDB array DBMS, and the Data Tamer data curation system. Presently he serves as Chief Technology Officer of DBOS, Inc., Tamr, Inc., and Paradigm4. Professor Stonebraker was awarded the ACM System Software Award in 1992 for his work on INGRES. Additionally, he was awarded the first annual SIGMOD Innovation award in 1994, and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1997. He was awarded the IEEE John Von Neumann award in 2005 and the 2014 Turing Award, and is presently an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at M.I.T, where he is co-director of the Intel Science and Technology Center focused on big data.

Queues, Hockey Sticks and Performance

David Collier-Brown

Staff Engineer

David Collier-Brown

Staff Engineer
Talk: Queues, Hockey Sticks and Performance

Queues: both a blessing and a curse in computer science. They help predict performance but also signal overload. This talk explores their role in diagnosis, capacity planning, and development using physics concepts and the “hockey-stick” curve. Master queue intuition for better programs. #DevTalk

About David Collier-Brown

Dave is a performance engineer and capacity planner, once upon a time for the (late, lamented) Sun Microsystems. He's working as an individual contributor these days, from his home base in Toronto.

Building a Cloud Native LSM on Object Storage

Chris Riccomini

Creator of Materialized View

Chris Riccomini

Creator of Materialized View
Talk: Building a Cloud Native LSM on Object Storage

Excited to introduce SlateDB, an open-source, cloud-native storage engine. Built as an LSM on object stores like S3/GCS/ABS, it leverages object storage benefits while tackling unique latency and cost challenges. Join us to explore our design decisions and tradeoffs. #DevTalk #SlateDB

About Chris Riccomini

Chris Riccomini is a software engineer, startup investor, and advisor, and author with more than 15 years of experience at major tech companies such as PayPal, LinkedIn, and WePay. He has been involved in open source throughout his career and is the author of Apache Samza. He's co-author of The Missing README: A Guide for the New Software Engineer, and writes Materialized View, a weekly infrastructure newsletter.

Get Low (Latency)

Benjamin Cane

Distinguished Engineer at American Express

Benjamin Cane

Distinguished Engineer at American Express
Talk: Get Low (Latency)

Building a real-time, low-latency card payments system is a challenge. Join the Amex Payments Network team to learn about their 100% containerized, globally distributed platform powered by Kubernetes. Discover how they tackled latency with HTTP/2, local affinity, and more. #DevOps #Kubernetes

About Benjamin Cane

Benjamin Cane is a Distinguished Engineer at American Express, where he plays a pivotal role in the architecture, design, and engineering excellence of the Acquirer and Network Payments Platforms. With a focus on cloud-native technologies and practices, Ben specializes in building mission-critical and high-performance systems. His expertise has been instrumental in driving the evolution of American Express' cloud-native payments platform. Beyond his contributions to American Express, Ben is an active open-source community member and has contributed to various projects.

Understanding Request Latency with Wallclock Profiling

Richard Startin

Senior Software Engineer at Datadog

Richard Startin

Senior Software Engineer at Datadog
Talk: Understanding Request Latency with Wallclock Profiling

Analyzing request latency is tough since it’s not always CPU-bound. Many devs give up on CPU profiling, but sampling profilers can help. This talk dives into wallclock profiling and Datadog’s innovative profiling tech to uncover off-CPU activities and unexpected issues. #DevOps #Profiling

About Richard Startin

Richard has over ten years experience working on systems written in Java, including trading systems, big data, and payments systems. Richard has made a diverse set of open source contributions, is an Apache Pinot committer, and has contributed to OpenJDK and JMC. At Datadog, he has worked on tracing and profiling of applications running on the JVM.

Using Sketching Technology to Optimize Services with Fewer Resources

Yichen Wei

Senior Software Engineer at Disney+/Hulu

Yichen Wei

Senior Software Engineer at Disney+/Hulu
Talk: Using Sketching Technology to Optimize Services with Fewer Resources

Optimize your services with cost-efficient observability using high-performance sketching tools. Dive into creating sketching tech for various scenarios, making the most out of your resources and enhancing performance. #DevTools #Observability #PerformanceOptimization

About Yichen Wei

Distributed computing and storage engineer for HPC, microservices and ML/Data platforms for many years. Evangelist of type-driven development and category theory for developers.

Zero-overhead Container Networking with eBPF and Netkit

Liz Rice

Chief Open Source Officer, Isovalent at Cisco

Liz Rice

Chief Open Source Officer, Isovalent at Cisco
Talk: Zero-overhead Container Networking with eBPF and Netkit

Introducing Netkit: a new eBPF enhancement replacing veth connections in container networking. Say goodbye to the overhead slowing down container apps. With Netkit, container networking now matches the speed of host networking. Fast, efficient, and ready to deploy. #DevOps #eBPF

About Liz Rice

Liz Rice is Chief Open Source Officer with eBPF specialists Isovalent, now part of Cisco, who are the original creators of the Cilium project. She was chair of the CNCF's Technical Oversight Committee 2019-2022, and Co-Chair of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in 2018. She is also the author of Container Security, published by O'Reilly. She has a wealth of software development, team, and product management experience from working on network protocols and distributed systems, and in digital technology sectors such as VOD, music, and VoIP. When not writing code, or talking about it, Liz loves riding bikes in places with better weather than her native London, competing in virtual races on Zwift, and making music under the pseudonym Insider Nine.

Patterns of Low Latency

Pekka Enberg

Founder & CTO at Turso

Pekka Enberg

Founder & CTO at Turso
Talk: Patterns of Low Latency

Building for low latency is important, but the tips and tricks are often part of developer folklore and hard to discover on your own. This talk shares some of the important latency related patterns you want to know when working on low latency apps.

About Pekka Enberg

Pekka Enberg is the Founder & CTO at Turso.

Bryan Cantrill, Oxide | P99 CONF Event 2024 Speaker

Bryan Cantrill

CTO of Oxide Computer Company
Bryan Cantrill

Bryan Cantrill

CTO of Oxide Computer Company
About Bryan Cantrill

Bryan Cantrill is a software engineer who has spent a quarter of a century at the hardware/software interface. He is the co-founder and CTO of Oxide Computer Company, which is endeavoring to build a rack-scale computer for the post-cloud era. Prior to Oxide he spent nearly a decade at Joyent, a cloud computing pioneer; prior to Joyent, he spent fourteen years at Sun Microsystems, a now-defunct computer company that Bryan's nine-year-old daughter apparently thought was a brewery.

Using eBPF Off-CPU Sampling to See What Your DBs are Really Waiting For

Tanel Poder

Performance Nerd at PoderC Consulting

Tanel Poder

Performance Nerd at PoderC Consulting
Talk: Using eBPF Off-CPU Sampling to See What Your DBs are Really Waiting For

At last year’s P99 CONF, Tanel introduced using eBPF Task State Arrays to track Linux apps’ thread states/activity without built-in instrumentation. This year, he demos “xcapture,” showing MySQL, Postgres, and DuckDB time spent on CPU and in sleep, all without altering source code. #p99conf #eBPF

About Tanel Poder

Tanel Poder is a long-time computer performance geek, working on various complex systems like (Oracle) database clusters, modern Big Data & cloud technologies and anything running on Linux/Unix. He has built and fixed enterprise data systems all around the world, this has also resulted in building a few small-but-very-fun tech companies around better tools and methods. He has two patents in data virtualization space and has realized that this is enough. In addition to his R&D, he occasionally delivers consulting, advisory and training to companies and talks about performance & troubleshooting both at public conferences and his video channels available at his website.

Aleksei Kladov, TigerBeetle | P99 CONF Event 2024 Speaker

Just In Time LSM Compaction

Aleksei Kladov

Staff Software Engineer at TigerBeetle

Aleksei Kladov

Staff Software Engineer at TigerBeetle
Talk: Just In Time LSM Compaction

Matklad dives into the implementation of TigerBeetle’s JIT compaction algorithm for LSM, which is highly concurrent and uses all available IO resources without starving normal transaction processing.

About Aleksei Kladov

Aleksei is a staff software engineer at TigerBeetle. Before that, Aleksei worked on IDE support for the Rust programming language, but TigerBeetle's deterministic, non-allocating Zig codebase proved too hard to resist.

Primitive Pursuits: Slaying Latency with Low-Level Primitives and Instructions

Ravi A Giri

Senior Principal Engineer at Intel

Ravi A Giri

Senior Principal Engineer at Intel
Talk: Primitive Pursuits: Slaying Latency with Low-Level Primitives and Instructions

This talk showcases a methodology with examples to break down applications to low-level primitives and identify optimizations on existing compute instances or platform or for offloading specific portions of the application to accelerators or GPU’s. With the increasing use of a combination of CPU, GPU and accelerators/ASIC’s, this methodology could prove increasingly useful to evaluate what kind of compute to use and when.

About Ravi A Giri

Ravi is a Sr. Principal Engineer in Intel's Datacenter and AI group leading software engineering collaboration with hyperscale cloud providers. He focuses on performance engineering to address performance bottlenecks, infrastructure overhead and efficiency. Prior to this, he was responsible for the design and implementation of Operating Systems, Configuration Management and Compute Metrics solutions for Intel's internal design computing environment which runs on millions of cores of compute. He is a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and has approved patent filings related to Energy Efficiency, Distributed Computing and Check-pointing. Ravi has authored numerous whitepapers including IEEE publications, IT@Intel public whitepapers and internal conference papers.

Low-Latency Mesh Services Using Actors

Nikita Lapkov

Senior Software Engineer

Nikita Lapkov

Senior Software Engineer
Talk: Low-Latency Mesh Services Using Actors

We’re transforming elfo, our Rust actor system, into a distributed mesh of services. Learn how we tackled message serialization, compression, and back-pressure to optimize for high-frequency trading. Dive into our journey to make everything observable and debuggable. #RustLang

About Nikita Lapkov

Nikita is low-level Rust engineer specialising in databases and distributed systems. Previously, they worked on MongoDB, ClickHouse and YDB, as well as in high-frequency trading sector.

Feature Store Evolution Under Cost Constraints: When Cost is Part of the Architecture

David Malinge

Senior Staff Software Engineer at ShareChat

David Malinge

Senior Staff Software Engineer at ShareChat
Talk: Feature Store Evolution Under Cost Constraints: When Cost is Part of the Architecture

ShareChat’s scaling ML Feature Store to handle 1B features/sec was just the start. Next challenge: cutting costs while keeping quality. Join Ivan & David to explore cloud cost optimization, Kubernetes waste reduction, and autoscaling Apache Flink. Perfect for #ML & #CloudDev. #P99Conf

About David Malinge

David Malinge is a Senior Staff Software Engineer at ShareChat.

Dor Laor, ScyllaDB | P99 CONF Event 2024 Speaker

Overcoming Distributed Databases Scaling Challenges with Tablets

Dor Laor

CEO of ScyllaDB
Dor Laor

Dor Laor

CEO of ScyllaDB
Talk: Overcoming Distributed Databases Scaling Challenges with Tablets

Maximizing performance goes beyond server-level tweaks. Even low level code, scaling requires more. In this session, learn about “tablets”—a dynamic sharding design at ScyllaDB that optimizes CPU, storage, and elasticity for top-notch performance. #Database #ScyllaDB

About Dor Laor

Dor Laor is the CEO of ScyllaDB. Previously, Dor was part of the founding team of the KVM hypervisor under Qumranet that was acquired by Red Hat. At Red Hat Dor was managing the KVM and Xen development for several years. Dor holds an MSc from the Technion and a Phd in snowboarding.

One Billion Row Challenge in Golang

Shraddha Agrawal

Senior Software Engineer, Ceph, IBM

Shraddha Agrawal

Senior Software Engineer, Ceph, IBM
Talk: One Billion Row Challenge in Golang

Join us as we tackle Gunnar Morling’s One Billion Rows Challenge in Golang! We’ll walk through optimizing a 16GB file from 6 mins to ~12 secs using Go’s performance tools. Perfect for anyone keen on Golang performance tuning! #Golang #PerformanceOptimization #DevTalk

About Shraddha Agrawal

Shraddha is a Senior Software Engineer, Ceph, IBM.

Get Low (Latency)

Tyler Wedin

Vice President, Global Payments Network SRE at American Express

Tyler Wedin

Vice President, Global Payments Network SRE at American Express
Talk: Get Low (Latency)

Building a real-time, low-latency card payments system is a challenge. Join the Amex Payments Network team to learn about their 100% containerized, globally distributed platform powered by Kubernetes. Discover how they tackled latency with HTTP/2, local affinity, and more. #DevOps #Kubernetes

About Tyler Wedin

Tyler Wedin is a Vice President overseeing Core Platforms Site Reliability Engineering at American Express. He has 15+ years of experience designing, building, and operating critical infrastructure and applications. He is currently responsible for many critical authorizations and financial systems, and he has implemented innovative solutions across release management, resiliency, and observability. Prior to this role, Tyler led the data center network architecture and engineering teams, delivering the software-defined infrastructure stack supporting the company’s hybrid cloud model, and virtualizing and scaling enterprise network services.

Building a Cloud Native LSM on Object Storage

Rohan Desai

Co-Founder of Responsive

Rohan Desai

Co-Founder of Responsive
Talk: Building a Cloud Native LSM on Object Storage

Excited to introduce SlateDB, an open-source, cloud-native storage engine. Built as an LSM on object stores like S3/GCS/ABS, it leverages object storage benefits while tackling unique latency and cost challenges. Join us to explore our design decisions and tradeoffs. #DevTalk #SlateDB

About Rohan Desai

Rohan has been working in the software infrastructure space for over 10 years. Most recently he was at Confluent, where he led the team building the cloud platform underpinning KSQL.

Database Drivers: Performance Perspectives

Piotr Sarna

Founding Engineer at poolside

Piotr Sarna

Founding Engineer at poolside
Talk: Database Drivers: Performance Perspectives

Unlock the full potential of database drivers! Dive deep into their design, uncover how they work under the hood, and learn to tweak their performance to meet your needs. Perfect for developers eager to optimize their database interactions. #TechTalk #DatabaseDrivers

About Piotr Sarna

* Founding Engineer @poolside, hacking fun AI things at scale * Ex-maintainer of ScyllaDB and Seastar * Ex-Staff @Turso * Maintainer of libSQL * Wrote a few patches for the Linux kernel

How to Improve Your Ability to Solve Complex Performance Problems: Part 2

Kerry Osborne

Google Database Black Belt Team Lead at Google

Kerry Osborne

Google Database Black Belt Team Lead at Google
Talk: How to Improve Your Ability to Solve Complex Performance Problems: Part 2

In Part 2 of my P99 2023 talk, I’ll dive into practical strategies to enhance our problem-solving skills in the performance space. Building on the basics from Part 1, this session will cover actionable tips and methods to improve our odds. #P99 #PerformanceEngineering #TechTalk

About Kerry Osborne

Kerry Osborne is a database performance specialist. He is a founder of Enkitec; an expert model Oracle-focused consulting company that was acquired by Accenture in 2014 (now the Accenture Enkitec Group). He is also a founder of Gluent, a software company which provided transparent connections between many analytic engines (Oracle, Microsoft SQL, Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift, Hadoop, Synapse, …) Gluent’s IP was acquired by Google in 2022 and the team joined Google to form a specialized group of databases experts (Database Black Belts) that focus on helping enterprise customers and improving Google’s database products by infusing Gluent IP. Kerry has co-authored two performance focused books, Pro Oracle SQL and Expert Oracle Exadata.

Running Low-Latency Workloads on Kubernetes

Jimmy Zelinskie

Co-Founder of AuthZed

Jimmy Zelinskie

Co-Founder of AuthZed
Talk: Running Low-Latency Workloads on Kubernetes

Configuring Kubernetes for optimal workload performance is a continuous journey. Best practices can sometimes harm performance. Join us as we share our findings on running SpiceDB, a low-latency authorization system, and what has worked best for us. #Kubernetes #DevOps #SpiceDB

About Jimmy Zelinskie

Jimmy Zelinskie is a software engineer and product leader with the goal of empowering the world through the democratization of software through open source development. He's currently the CPO and cofounder of authzed where he's focused on bringing hyperscaler best-practices in authorization software to the industry at large. At CoreOS, he helped pioneer the cloud-native ecosystem by starting and contributing to many of its foundational open source projects. After being acquired by Red Hat, his focus shifted to the enablement and adoption of cloud-native technologies by mature enterprise stakeholders. To this day, he still contributes to cloud-native ecosystem by building the future on top of these technologies and maintaining standards such as Open Container Initiative (OCI).

Taming Tail Latencies in Apache Pinot with Generational ZGC

Christopher Peck

Senior Software Engineer at Uber

Christopher Peck

Senior Software Engineer at Uber
Talk: Taming Tail Latencies in Apache Pinot with Generational ZGC

Discover how Generational ZGC slashed Java app pause times in real-world use! Learn how Apache Pinot tackled scatter-gather tail latencies with Generational ZGC, unveiling Pinot’s low latency query potential. Dive into key configs and features that made it all possible. #Java #ZGC #ApachePinot

About Christopher Peck

Working with Apache Pinot and ClickHouse at Uber.

Remote CAD that Feels Local

Adam Sunderland

Lead Cloud Infrastructure Engineer at Zoo

Adam Sunderland

Lead Cloud Infrastructure Engineer at Zoo
Talk: Remote CAD that Feels Local

Zoo is creating a CAD suite that runs in the cloud but feels like it’s local. How? Regional deployment, WebRTC for video streaming & UDP channels for low-latency mouse events, and Nvidia Encoder for fast video. Design big models on low-power machines without lag. #dev #cloudCAD

About Adam Sunderland

I've worked on infrastructure and systems across clouds but frequently with Kubernetes. I really enjoy figuring out weird bugs that span across systems and making things fast.

Java Heap Memory Optimization to Improve P99 Query Latency at Linkedin Scale

Vivek Iyer Vaidyanathan

Staff Software Engineer at LinkedIn

Vivek Iyer Vaidyanathan

Staff Software Engineer at LinkedIn
Talk: Java Heap Memory Optimization to Improve P99 Query Latency at Linkedin Scale

Discover how LinkedIn optimized Apache Pinot’s performance! By using FALF Interning, a home-grown, lock-free method, they cut JVM heap usage by 20% and improved P99 query latencies by 35%. Join us to learn about JXRAY memory analysis, design, and implementation insights. #TechTalk #ApachePinot

About Vivek Iyer Vaidyanathan

Vivek is a Senior Software Engineer at LinkedIn working on developing and maintaining Pinot. He is an Apache Pinot Committer. Prior to LinkedIn, he worked as a Software Engineer for Cohesity, a startup in the data management space where he worked on building the distributed SpanFS filesystem.

The Performance Engineer's Toolkit: A Case Study on Data Analytics with Rust

Will Crichton

Assistant Professor at Brown University

Will Crichton

Assistant Professor at Brown University
Talk: The Performance Engineer's Toolkit: A Case Study on Data Analytics with Rust

I optimized a Python data analytics pipeline, making it 180,000x faster with Rust! Using compiler optimizations, data structures, vectorization, parallelization, and more, I’ll share a case study on these techniques. Join me to explore the tools in a performance engineer’s toolkit.

About Will Crichton

Will Crichton is an incoming assistant professor at Brown University. His research takes a human-centered perspective on the design of programming languages and developer tools. Will's research has been widely used within the Rust community, and he has published at venues such as POPL, PLDI, OOPSLA, and CHI. Will received his PhD from Stanford University in 2022.

Time-Series and Analytical Databases Walk Into a Bar...

Andrei Pechkurov

Core Engineer at QuestDB

Andrei Pechkurov

Core Engineer at QuestDB
Talk: Time-Series and Analytical Databases Walk Into a Bar...

In this talk, we share our journey in making QuestDB, an open-source time-series database, a much faster analytical database, featuring specialized data structures, SIMD-based code, scalable aggregation algorithms, and parallel execution pipelines.

About Andrei Pechkurov

Distributed and high-performance systems gazer. Occasional tech blogger and speaker.

Fast, Secure and Dense: Finally Serverless with WebAssembly

Thorsten Hans

Sr. Cloud Advocate at Fermyon Technologies

Thorsten Hans

Sr. Cloud Advocate at Fermyon Technologies
Talk: Fast, Secure and Dense: Finally Serverless with WebAssembly

Discover how WebAssembly is revolutionizing cloud computing. Join Thorsten Hans to learn about building serverless apps with Spin, achieving true scale-to-zero, and running them on platforms like Kubernetes with SpinKube. No more long cold starts or over-provisioning. #Serverless #WebAssembly

About Thorsten Hans

Thorsten Hans is a Sr. Cloud Advocate at Fermyon. He guides developers and teams through understanding, adopting, and mastering emerging technologies to build reliable software and embrace the next wave of cloud computing. As Microsoft MVP and Docker Captain, he keeps on sharing his experiments and knowledge with the developer community.

Speed by the Numbers: Text Encoding in C and C++

JeanHeyd Meneide

Senior Principal Smart Guy at Shepherd's Oasis, LLC

JeanHeyd Meneide

Senior Principal Smart Guy at Shepherd's Oasis, LLC
Talk: Speed by the Numbers: Text Encoding in C and C++

Can a generic text encoding library be both versatile and fast? We benchmarked 6+ C, C++, and Rust libraries for Unicode tasks and found ztd.text and cuneicode can match performance titans like simdutf. Discover how to achieve top speed without sacrificing user-friendly APIs! #DevTalk

About JeanHeyd Meneide

JeanHeyd "ThePhD" is a student and an organizer for Shepherd's Oasis, LLC. They are the Project Editor for the C Language, and they manage large open-source contributions -- sol2, ztd.text, ztd.cuneicode, and more -- that is used across many industries and academic disciplines. They are currently working towards earning their own nickname, climbing the academic ladder while spending as much time as possible contributing to C and C++ standardization and development. Their newest and biggest project is Unicode for C and C++. They very much love dogs and hopes to have their own in a few years or so. They also like TWRP's "Feels Pretty Good" from the album Together Through Time, and "Truth" from T-SQUARE's album TRUTH.

Profiling your Go Service with pprof

Miriah Peterson

Lead Engineer at Soypete Tech

Miriah Peterson

Lead Engineer at Soypete Tech
Talk: Profiling your Go Service with pprof

Optimize your Go code with the powerful pprof tool. Learn how to integrate, access, and interpret pprof metrics, plus best practices for production. Master the interplay between memory and CPU for top-notch performance in your services. #GoLang #Profiling #DevTips

About Miriah Peterson

Miriah earned her bachelor's degree in physics from Brigham Young University in 2017, laying a strong foundation for her multifaceted contributions to the field. As a seasoned engineer with 6 years of expertise, her professional journey includes crafting videos, tutorials, and courses, and showcasing her mastery in Go and Data Engineering. As a dynamic speaker and Google Developer Expert in Go, Miriah has delivered talks on Go, Machine Learning, and Data Engineering. As a board member of Forge Foundation Inc. and an organizer of the GoWest Conference, Utah Data Engineering, and Machine Learning Utah meetups, she actively shapes her local tech community.

Why Databases Cache, but Caches Go to Disk

Alan Kasindorf

Founder of Cache Forge

Alan Kasindorf

Founder of Cache Forge
Talk: Why Databases Cache, but Caches Go to Disk

ScyllaDB teamed up with Memcached to compare how caches and databases handle storage and memory across different scenarios. We’ll dive into ScyllaDB’s row-based cache vs. Memcached’s in-memory hash table and IO handling. #Databases #Caching

About Alan Kasindorf

Alan runs Cache Forge, supporting enterprises relying on memcached. He has spent decades scaling infrastructure for startups and enterprises: an early employee of Fastly, consultant for users with massive caches, and at various social networks stretching back to LiveJournal, the originator of memcached.

WebAssembly on the Edge: Sandboxing AND Performance

Ramnivas Laddad

Co-Founder of Exograph, Inc

Ramnivas Laddad

Co-Founder of Exograph, Inc
Talk: WebAssembly on the Edge: Sandboxing AND Performance

Moving apps to the Edge can complicate performance due to security constraints. Learn how WebAssembly bridges the gap, enabling both speed and security. We’ll share insights from Exograph app migrations, focusing on Wasi advancements and the new component model. #EdgeComputing #WebAssembly

About Ramnivas Laddad

Ramnivas leads the development of Exograph, a declarative approach to GraphQL backend written in Rust. He has led innovation in Spring Framework and Cloud Foundry since their beginning. Ramnivas is the author of AspectJ in Action, the best-selling book on aspect-oriented programming lauded by industry experts for its practical and innovative approach to real-world problems. He has spoken at leading industry conferences, including JavaOne, ScalaDays, SpringOne, and O'Reilly OSCON.

Scheduler Tracing With ftrace + eBPF

Jason Rahman

Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft

Jason Rahman

Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft
Talk: Scheduler Tracing With ftrace + eBPF

Dive into understanding app latency by exploring the Linux scheduler with ftrace, eBPF, and Perfetto for visualization. Uncover quirks in the CFS scheduler and get a glimpse of the new EEVDF scheduler in recent kernels. #Linux #eBPF #Performance #DevOps

About Jason Rahman

Jason Rahman (B.S. Computer Science Honors, Purdue University) works in the infrastructure, database, and storage space. He is employed at Microsoft where he works on the PostgreSQL team. Previously he was employed at Meta (Facebook) where he worked on large scale distributed file systems and previously on the Database Engineering team. In his spare time, he enjoys photography, road trips, and hiking.

Sonia Kolasinska Low Latency Gal | P99 CONF Event 2024 Speaker

Low Latency Gal Presents: Low Latency Stuff

Sonia Kolasinska

Low Latency Gal

Sonia Kolasinska

Low Latency Gal
Talk: Low Latency Gal Presents: Low Latency Stuff

Lock-free programming and precise ultra low latency pipelining between CPU cores.

Detecting Memory Leaks in Android A/B Tests: A Production-Focused Approach

Pavlo Stavytskyi

Google Developer Expert

Pavlo Stavytskyi

Google Developer Expert
Talk: Detecting Memory Leaks in Android A/B Tests: A Production-Focused Approach

Discover how to detect subtle memory leaks and regressions in Android apps with a production-focused approach. Learn the key metrics to collect, gather real-world data, and analyze it effectively to optimize performance during A/B testing. Safeguard your features and enhance user experience. #PerformanceTuning

About Pavlo Stavytskyi

Pavlo is a Google Developer Expert for Android and Kotlin.

Internet-Scale Semantic, Structural, and Text Search in Real Time

Ash Vardanian

Founder of Unum Cloud

Ash Vardanian

Founder of Unum Cloud
Talk: Internet-Scale Semantic, Structural, and Text Search in Real Time

Discover powerful search algorithms and their SIMD- and GPU-accelerated implementations for AI-powered semantic search, structure search, or exact & fuzzy full-text search. Boost your search capabilities with cutting-edge tech. #AI #SearchAlgorithms #SIMD #GPU #FullTextSearch

About Ash Vardanian

Ash Vardanian is a seasoned researcher in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence with an astrophysical background. With a keen interest in High-Performance Computing, Ash has developed and maintained numerous Open-Source tools tailored for large-scale data processing, mostly focusing on GPU & SIMD-accelerated Vector and Full-Text Search.

Taming Discard Latency Spikes

Patryk Wróbel

Software Engineer at ScyllaDB

Patryk Wróbel

Software Engineer at ScyllaDB
Talk: Taming Discard Latency Spikes

Learned a crucial lesson on read/write latency when fixing a real ScyllaDB issue! Discover how TRIM requests impact NVMe SSDs with XFS online discard enabled. Uncover the problems and explore potential solutions. #ScyllaDB #NVMe #XFS #DevOps #DatabasePerformance

About Patryk Wróbel

Patryk is a C++ and programming enthusiast whose experience includes the development of a compute runtime for GPUs and contributions to the 5G packet scheduler. Since January 2024, he has been rendering services to ScyllaDB as a remote software engineer.

SLA vs. SLO: Honeycomb User Panel

Aaron Shortt

Senior Site Reliability Manager at Prove

Aaron Shortt

Senior Site Reliability Manager at Prove
Talk: SLA vs. SLO: Honeycomb User Panel
About Aaron Shortt

I've been working in the software industry for many years, mostly as a engineer. More recently with a transition to leadership, I began chasing the Platform dream and started with Observability as a discipline rather than an artifact. I've had a pleasure of working with some of the very best people, who I've shared my journey of learning with.

Performance Pitfalls of Rust Async Function Pointers (And Why It Might Not Matter)

Byron Wasti

Founder & CEO

Byron Wasti

Founder & CEO
Talk: Performance Pitfalls of Rust Async Function Pointers (And Why It Might Not Matter)

An in-depth analysis of asynchronous function pointers in Rust, why they aren’t a real thing (compared to normal function pointers) and a performance analysis of each way of constructing them. From Boxed Async functions, to Enum dispatch to StackFutures.

About Byron Wasti

Professional developer turned founder to work full-time on Open Source technology. Developing tooling for load testing and performance analysis, inspired by work in industry and a deep passion for distributed systems, reliability, and 6 years of professional Rust experience.

What C and C++ Can Do and When Do You Need Assembly?

Alexander Krizhanovsky

CEO at Tempesta Technologies

Alexander Krizhanovsky

CEO at Tempesta Technologies
Talk: What C and C++ Can Do and When Do You Need Assembly?

Join us to dive into GCC and Clang optimizations for C/C++! We’ll explore how x86-64 executes code, use assembly for speed, tackle multi-core programming, and address Spectre mitigations. Learn with microbenchmarks and get insights on when profiler optimizations might fall short. #programming #performance

About Alexander Krizhanovsky

Alexander is the CEO of Tempesta Technologies, Inc., and is the architect of Tempesta FW, a high-performance and secure open source hybrid of a web accelerator and firewall. Alexander is responsible for the design and performance of several products in the areas of network traffic processing and databases. He designed the core architecture and leaded development of a Web application firewall, mentioned in the Gartner Magic Quadrant '15, the MariaDB temporal data tables and ultra-scalable S3 and NFS servers. Alexander gave talks at CppCon'22, Netdev, SCALE, Linux Conf Australia, MariaDB user conferences, All Things Open, FOSDEM, SeaGL, Percona Live, IBM CASCON, and many other conferences. Alexander is also the author of a very fast lock-free MPMC ring buffer queue, published by the Linux Journal.

Andy Pavlo, Carnegie Mellon University | P99 CONF Event 2024 Speaker

The Next Chapter in the Sordid Love/Hate Relationship Between DBs and OSes

Andy Pavlo

Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University

Andy Pavlo

Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University
Talk: The Next Chapter in the Sordid Love/Hate Relationship Between DBs and OSes

DBMSs struggle with OS constraints, but new tech like eBPF can change the game. Join us to explore “user-bypass” designs for high-performance DBMSs with eBPF. Learn about BPF-DB, an embedded DBMS in the Linux kernel, providing ACID transactions and multi-versioned data. #databases #eBPF

About Andy Pavlo

Andy Pavlo is an Associate Professor of Databaseology in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University. His (unnatural) infatuation with database systems has inadvertently caused him to incur several distinctions, such as VLDB Early Career Award (2021), NSF CAREER (2019), Sloan Fellowship (2018), and the ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Best Dissertation Award (2014). He was also the CEO & co-founder of the OtterTune database tuning start-up (2020).

Writing a Kernel in Rust: Code Quality and Performance

Luc Lenôtre

Site Reliability Engineer at Clever Cloud

Luc Lenôtre

Site Reliability Engineer at Clever Cloud
Talk: Writing a Kernel in Rust: Code Quality and Performance

Maestro kernel began as a C-based school project and transitioned to Rust for better code quality. Now, it’s in a clean-up and performance enhancement phase. This talk shares key lessons learned along the way. #RustLang #KernelDevelopment #Programming

About Luc Lenôtre

Creator of Maestro, a Unix-like kernel written in Rust aiming to be compatible-enough with Linux to cover most use cases.

Remote CAD that Feels Local

Adam Chalmers

Systems Engineer at Zoo

Adam Chalmers

Systems Engineer at Zoo
Talk: Remote CAD that Feels Local

Zoo is creating a CAD suite that runs in the cloud but feels like it’s local. How? Regional deployment, WebRTC for video streaming & UDP channels for low-latency mouse events, and Nvidia Encoder for fast video. Design big models on low-power machines without lag. #dev #cloudCAD

About Adam Chalmers

I started learning Rust for fun in 2017. I've now worked full-time with Rust for five years at Cloudflare and Zoo, writing high-performance and high-availability API servers and internet proxies.

Minimizing Request Latency of Self-Hosted ML Models

Julia Kroll

Applied Engineer at Deepgram

Julia Kroll

Applied Engineer at Deepgram
Talk: Minimizing Request Latency of Self-Hosted ML Models

Join our session on minimizing latency in self-hosted #ML models in cloud environments. Learn strategies for deploying Deepgram’s speech-to-text models on your hardware, including concurrency limits, auto-scaling, input chunk granularity, and efficient model loading. Optimize your ML inference.

About Julia Kroll

Julia Kroll is an Applied Engineer at Deepgram where she provides engineering and product expertise on speech-to-text and voice AI, enabling developers to use language as the universal interface between humans and machines. She previously worked as a Senior Machine Learning Engineer creating natural-sounding AI voices, following five years at Amazon, where she contributed to machine learning and data engineering for AWS and Alexa. She holds two computer science degrees, a master's from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a bachelor's from Carleton College. Her interests lie at the intersection of technology, linguistics, and society.

Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO): (Ab)using it for Fun and Profit

Aliaksandr Zaitsau

Solution Architect

Aliaksandr Zaitsau

Solution Architect
Talk: Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO): (Ab)using it for Fun and Profit

Discover how to boost your software with lesser-known compiler flags and Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO). Learn what PGO is, how it works, its nuances, and see real benchmarks. Ready to delegate optimization to your compiler and gain performance? Join us! #dev #programming #optimization

About Aliaksandr Zaitsau

In the past, I used to be an active C++ user and contributor, but now my coding skills are a bit Rust-y. People at work call me "Solution architect" but I prefer "Confluence && engineer". I like performance, crazy about optimizations and making optimizations as friendly as possible for humankind.

Why Databases Cache, but Caches Go to Disk

Felipe Cardeneti Mendes

Technical Director at ScyllaDB

Felipe Cardeneti Mendes

Technical Director at ScyllaDB
Talk: Why Databases Cache, but Caches Go to Disk

ScyllaDB teamed up with Memcached to compare how caches and databases handle storage and memory across different scenarios. We’ll dive into ScyllaDB’s row-based cache vs. Memcached’s in-memory hash table and IO handling. #Databases #Caching

About Felipe Cardeneti Mendes

Felipe Cardeneti Mendes is a Technical Director at ScyllaDB.

Measuring and Diagnosing Performance Shouldn't Require Magic

Cary Millsap

Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle Database

Cary Millsap

Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle Database
Talk: Measuring and Diagnosing Performance Shouldn't Require Magic

Struggling with performance issues despite all green dashboards? Experts say you need special skills, but we’ll show you how to tackle these problems yourself. Join us to understand why this happens and how you can take control. #DevTips #PerformanceTuning

About Cary Millsap

Cary Millsap spent the 1990s learning a lifetime’s worth of lessons about software performance as a consultant for Oracle Corporation. In his ten years at Oracle, he personally helped over a hundred customers, and he created an elite 85-person team who have helped hundreds more. He left Oracle in 1999 to grow his family, and he has been an entrepreneur ever since. Cary has educated thousands of professionals through his commitment to writing, teaching, and speaking at public events. His books “Tracing Oracle” and “Mastering Oracle Trace Data” help professionals optimize any Oracle-based application. His newest book, “How to Make Things Faster: Lessons in Performance from Technology and Everyday Life,” is for anybody who is curious about performance and how to improve it.

WebAssembly on the Edge: Sandboxing AND Performance

Brian Sletten

President at Bosatsu Consulting, Inc.
Brian Sletten

Brian Sletten

President at Bosatsu Consulting, Inc.
Talk: WebAssembly on the Edge: Sandboxing AND Performance

Moving apps to the Edge can complicate performance due to security constraints. Learn how WebAssembly bridges the gap, enabling both speed and security. We’ll share insights from Exograph app migrations, focusing on Wasi advancements and the new component model. #EdgeComputing #WebAssembly

About Brian Sletten

Brian Sletten is a liberal arts-educated software engineer with a focus on forward-leaning technologies. He is the author of the O’Reilly Media book, “WebAssembly: The Definitive Guide.” His experience has spanned many industries including retail, banking, online games, defense, finance, hospitality, and health care. He has a B.S. in Computer Science from the College of William and Mary and lives in Auburn, CA. He focuses on web architecture, resource-oriented computing, social networking, the Semantic Web, data science, 3D graphics, visualization, scalable systems, security consulting, and other technologies of the late 20th and early 21st Centuries. He is also a rabid reader, a devoted foodie, and has excellent taste in music. If pressed, he might tell you about his International Pop Recording career.

Feature Store Evolution Under Cost Constraints: When Cost is Part of the Architecture

Ivan Burmistrov

Principal Software Engineer at ShareChat

Ivan Burmistrov

Principal Software Engineer at ShareChat
Talk: Feature Store Evolution Under Cost Constraints: When Cost is Part of the Architecture

ShareChat’s scaling ML Feature Store to handle 1B features/sec was just the start. Next challenge: cutting costs while keeping quality. Join Ivan & David to explore cloud cost optimization, Kubernetes waste reduction, and autoscaling Apache Flink. Perfect for #ML & #CloudDev. #P99Conf

About Ivan Burmistrov

Ivan is an experienced Software Engineer, ex-Facebook, ex-ScyllaDB, passionate about performance problems in distributed systems. He is leading the effort to build a world-class Feature Engineering framework at ShareChat.

How a Failed Experiment Helped Me Understand the Go Runtime in More Depth

Aadhav Vignesh

Software Engineer

Aadhav Vignesh

Software Engineer
Talk: How a Failed Experiment Helped Me Understand the Go Runtime in More Depth

In 2022, I began crafting a tool to visualize Go’s GC in real-time. I’ll dive into the hurdles of extracting data from Go’s runtime, the paths I explored—from internal packages to a Go fork—and the route I took. I’ll share my insights and look into other exciting options. #golang #gc

About Aadhav Vignesh

Aadhav is a software engineer who loves working with Go, databases, and distributed systems. He spends most of his time working on bringing fun ideas/experiments to life, or watching sports.

Using Change Point Detection to Fight Noisy Benchmark Results

Matt Fleming

Co-Founer & CTO at Nyrkiö Oy

Matt Fleming

Co-Founer & CTO at Nyrkiö Oy
Talk: Using Change Point Detection to Fight Noisy Benchmark Results

Discovering performance regressions in modern systems is tough due to inevitable noise. Change Point Detection (CPD) algorithms are gaining traction for tackling this challenge. This talk covers how CPD works and shares examples of real regressions found in open source projects. #DevOps #CPD

About Matt Fleming

Matt is the co-founder and CTO of Nyrkiö, a company that wants to arm every developer with the tools to understand the performance of their code. He has spent over 15 years working on low-level, high-performance systems and was previously the maintainer for the Linux kernel EFI subsystem while at Intel and SUSE. Most recently, Matt has focused on the performance of distributed systems and databases including leading a globally distributed team of engineers that contributed significant performance changes to the Apache Cassandra 5.0 release. He has co-authored papers on performance change detection and distributed systems testing and served on the ACM/SPEC ICPE program committee. Matt can often be found on Twitter, discussing topics such as software performance, benchmarking and statistics.

Aiding the CUDA Compiler for Fun and Profit

Joe Rowell

Founding Engineer at poolside

Joe Rowell

Founding Engineer at poolside
Talk: Aiding the CUDA Compiler for Fun and Profit

Get the most out of your CUDA code by understanding how the compiler works.

About Joe Rowell

* Founding engineer @poolside, writing low-level kernels. * Ph.D in Cryptography, focusing on large-scale cryptanalysis. * Ex-intern in the profiling team at Elastic.

Redis Alternatives Compared

Peter Zaitsev

Founder of Percona, Coroot, FerretDB

Peter Zaitsev

Founder of Percona, Coroot, FerretDB
Talk: Redis Alternatives Compared

Join Peter as he dives into Redis alternatives like Valley, DragonflyDB, and Microsoft Garnet. He’ll cover licensing, features, community support, and performance. Get clear insights into each option and strategize your approach in the evolving Redis landscape. #Redis #Databases

About Peter Zaitsev

Peter Zaitsev is an entrepreneur and co-founder of Coroot, FerretDB, Percona. As one of the leading experts in Open Source strategy and database optimization, Peter has used his technical vision and entrepreneurial skills to grow Percona from a two-person store into one of the most respected open source companies in the business with over 350 employees. Peter now continues to serve as a board member and advisor to a range of open source startups. Peter is the co-author of the book "High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backup, and Replication," one of the most popular books on MySQL performance.

Sight Beyond Sight: See it All Through Observability

Leandro Melendez

Developer Advocate at Grafana Labs

Leandro Melendez

Developer Advocate at Grafana Labs
Talk: Sight Beyond Sight: See it All Through Observability

Observability is more than metrics and logs—it’s knowing your system’s status without checking under the hood. From QA processes to daily life, learn to enhance awareness and efficiency. Join us to master the principles and see your world with new clarity. #Observability #DevOps

About Leandro Melendez

Leandro is a performance testing advocate with K6-Grafana helping everyone to ramp up on their performance practices. He has over 20 years of experience in IT and over 10 in the performance testing practice where he served multiple S&P500 customers all over the USA, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, India, Austria, etc. Author of the popular performance testing blog Señor Performo ( where he curates a diverse set of learning material for performance testers and engineers. He is the producer and host of the Spanish language version of the PerfBytes podcast and the Señor Performo learning YouTube channels. He is an international public speaker participating in multiple conferences, events and webinars, with keynotes, workshops and multiple talks on his belt. And last, author of "The Hitchhikers Guide To Load Testing Projects", a fun walkthrough that will guide you through the phases or levels of an IT load testing project.

Primitive Pursuits: Slaying Latency with Low-Level Primitives and Instructions

Harshad S Sane

Principal Software Engineer at Intel

Harshad S Sane

Principal Software Engineer at Intel
Talk: Primitive Pursuits: Slaying Latency with Low-Level Primitives and Instructions

This talk showcases a methodology with examples to break down applications to low-level primitives and identify optimizations on existing compute instances or platform or for offloading specific portions of the application to accelerators or GPU’s. With the increasing use of a combination of CPU, GPU and accelerators/ASIC’s, this methodology could prove increasingly useful to evaluate what kind of compute to use and when.

About Harshad S Sane

Harshad Sane is a performance engineer in the Data Center and AI group with a deep technical expertise in system software, memory, and CPU architectures. He specializes in performance monitoring, software optimization, and tool development with focus in the cloud domain. Harshad joined Intel in 2008 after completing his undergraduate degree in Electrical and Telecommunications from College of Engineering and Technology (COET), Pune, India and M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from UC Boulder.

Open-Source Observability for Your LLM Applications... Tracing your Chains!

Filipe Oliveira

Principal Performance Engineer at Redis

Filipe Oliveira

Principal Performance Engineer at Redis
Talk: Open-Source Observability for Your LLM Applications... Tracing your Chains!

Observability is crucial for complex LLM systems. Simple monitoring isn’t enough. Enter OpenLLMetry: extensions on OpenTelemetry for full LLM observability. Connect it to your existing stack and optimize performance with best practices and real-world case studies. #DevOps #AI #LLMs

About Filipe Oliveira

Filipe Oliveira is a Principal Performance Engineer @ Redis, working on both the enterprise and the source available products. Before Redis, he worked both on a large scale retail company and as Grid and Distributed Computing Researcher recurring to advanced computing infrastructures listed in the TOP500 supercomputers list.

Enhancing P99 Latency: Strategies for Doubling/Tripling Performance in Third-Party APIs

Cristian Velazquez

Staff Site Reliability Engineer at Uber

Cristian Velazquez

Staff Site Reliability Engineer at Uber
Talk: Enhancing P99 Latency: Strategies for Doubling/Tripling Performance in Third-Party APIs

Sharing our journey to improve P99 latency in third-party APIs. From optimizing network configs to fine-tuning connection management, we aimed to cut down latency and enhance user experience. Dive into our strategies and see how we achieved a smoother, more responsive service. #DevOps #API

About Cristian Velazquez

Cristian Velazquez is a Staff Site Reliability Engineer on the Maps Production Engineering team at Uber. He works on multiple efficiency initiatives across multiple organizations. He leads the GC tuning efforts across the company.

Latency, Throughput & Fault Tolerance: Designing the Arroyo Streaming Engine

Micah Wylde

Co-Founder at Arroyo

Micah Wylde

Co-Founder at Arroyo
Talk: Latency, Throughput & Fault Tolerance: Designing the Arroyo Streaming Engine

Arroyo is a Rust-based, distributed stream processing engine offering millisecond-latency and high-throughput. It achieves fault tolerance and exactly-once processing via a Chandy-Lamport inspired checkpointing system. Learn about its architecture, stateful windowing, and aggregate algorithms. #RustLang

About Micah Wylde

Micah is the co-founder and CEO of Arroyo, a startup building a new open-source stream processing engine. He was previously tech lead for streaming compute at Splunk, where his team built infrastructure to manage hundreds of customer Flink pipelines, and Lyft, where he built real-time data infra powering Lyft's dynamic pricing, ETA, and safety features. He has worked on many big data batch and streaming systems in his decade-plus career across domains including ad-tech, fraud protection, and the on-demand economy.

Cheating the Cloud: 50% Savings with Compression Dictionaries

Łukasz Paszkowsk

Software Engineer Team Lead at ScyllaDB

Łukasz Paszkowsk

Software Engineer Team Lead at ScyllaDB
Talk: Cheating the Cloud: 50% Savings with Compression Dictionaries
About Łukasz Paszkowsk

Łukasz Paszkowsk is the Software Engineer Team Lead at ScyllaDB.


Wednesday, October 23

8:00am – 1:00pm Pacific Time
16:00 – 20:00 UTC

Thursday, October 24

8:00am – 1:00pm Pacific Time
16:00 – 20:00 UTC

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P99 CONF OCT. 23 + 24, 2024

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